Table of Contents

General information

Request “transferSearchCountry” - search for transfer country by its name.



Element nameAttributeDescription
type-request type
name-Country name (or leave empty for full list, matching rest of criteria)
transferType-Type of search, possible values:
T - Transfer
A - Car rental
transferWays-Type of transfer, possible values:
ow - One Way
rt - Return
<?xml version="1.0"?>



Element nameAttributeDescription
itemcountryNameName of country
itemcountryIdCountry ID - used in filtering transfer departure places
itemcountryISOCountry ISO code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  <item countryName="Korea Południowa" countryId="113" countryISO="KR"/>
  <item countryName="Polska" countryId="46" countryISO="PL"/>
  <item countryName="Republika Południowej Afryki" countryId="65" countryISO="ZA"/>