Table of Contents

booking form - general rules

WARNING: When filling the form fields do not use local language characters. Local language characters must be converted to their ASCII equivalents - “ó” → “o” etc.

To simplify, only a selected fragment of returned form is explained, but same rules apply to the rest of responce.



Element nameDescription
Conditions, Persons, … Form field name
type Field type (coresponds to types available in HTML), possible values:
checkbox, text, select, radio, hidden
checked In case of field with type=checkbox means the field is checked by default.
value Curent value
data In case of arrays containing many elements (such as list of trip participants) is used to store subsequent array elements.
desc List of descriptions for select field.
Subsequent descriptions from desc are assigned to coresponding values from values, similar as in HTML:
<option value="(value from values)">(value from desc)</option>
values List of values for field of type select
selected Currently selected value for field of type select.

When sending form, the values should be sent in abridged form, for example field:


is send as:


booking form - field


text filed, containing information directly from Tour-operator, equivalent in MerlinX:



Element nameAttributeDescription
ReservationMode-Type of booking, possible types:
1 – normal booking
0 – optional booking
conditions-Has client accepted booking conditions:
1 – yes
0 - no
check_price-If =1 allows for checking of price taking into account child age.
Person-List of trip participants
Client-Client personal data
add_service-List of additional services
client_land-Region of residence of the payer (required for some operators)
client_birthdate-Date of birth of the payer (required for some operators)
ext_conditions-Does the client accept additional information from the Tour-operator (included in the hints section)
1 - Yes
0 - No
Equivalent in MerlinX:
marketing_condition-Has customer consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes
1 - Yes
0 - No
Equivalent in MerlinX:
skok_condition-Has the customer has consent to the processing of personal data,
1 - Yes
0 - No
Equivalent in MerlinX:


contains information about particiants:

Field nameDescriptionSuggested format of data verification ( REGEX1) )Example valueAdditional info
25.12.1989For children and infants age is required in ranges:
- infants: up to 2 years (including)
- children: 2-16 years (including)
zipcodeZip code
/^[\S]+?[^0-9]+? [0-9a-z]{1,3}(\/[0-9]{1,2})?$/
3-go Maja 32/4
/^[\(\)\-\+\/ 0-9]+$/
(0-71) 123 456
/^[^ ]+@[^ ]+$/
genderGender-HGender code corresponding to adults / children / infants may vary depending on the tour-operator.


payer, equivalent in MerlinX:

Field nameDescriptionSuggested format of data verification ( REGEX2) )Example valueAdditional information
/^[\S]+?[^0-9]+? [0-9a-z]{1,3}(\/[0-9]{1,2})?$/
3-go Maja 32/4
zipcodeZip code
/^[\(\)\-\+\/ 0-9]+$/
(0-71) 123 456
workphoneWork phone
/^[\(\)\-\+\/ 0-9]+$/
0-71/ 123 456
cellphoneCell phone
/^[\(\)\-\+\/ 0-9]+$/
0 601 602 603
/^[\(\)\-\+\/ 0-9]+$/
(0-71) 123 456
/^[^ ]+@[^ ]+$/
paymenttypePayment type-6The field used with the organizers of a group of “Triada” (In the rest of the organizers is not returned).
Possible values ​​3):
6 - Full payment 100%
2 - Standard payment 40%
8 - Advance “Zielona Karta 45%”

Equivalent in MerlinX:


Client wishes.

    <data>adjacent rooms pls</data>
    <data>baby cot pls</data>
    <data>close to</data>
    <data>first floor pls</data>
    <data>grandlit pls</data>
    <data>ground floor pls</data>
    <data>highest possible floor pls</data>
    <data>not groundfloor pls</data>
    <data>quiet situated pls</data>
    <data>room with bath tube pls</data>
    <data>room with shower pls</data>
    <data>separated beds pls</data>
    <data>adjacent rooms pls</data>
    <data>baby cot pls</data>
    <data>close to</data>
    <data>first floor pls</data>
    <data>grandlit pls</data>
    <data>ground floor pls</data>
    <data>highest possible floor pls</data>
    <data>not groundfloor pls</data>
    <data>quiet situated pls</data>
    <data>room with bath tube pls</data>
    <data>room with shower pls</data>
    <data>separated beds pls</data>


payment information:

Automatically after a change, fields “sums up” the “rest” should be followed up and recalculated automatically. With offers of “LAST” and with a close date of departure, the field is not for editing and field reservation fee amounts to a total amount for the event.


Field nameDescription
reservepay[0][0]The amount of the reservation fee
reservepay[0][1]Date of payment for the reservation fee
prepayment[0][0]The amount of the advance rate
prepayment[0][1]Date of payment to the rate of advance
prepayment[0][2]The amount of rest
prepayment[0][3]Date of payment for the rest




Loyalty programs, equivalent in MerlinX:


Additional services, equivalent in MerlinX:

WARNING: Selecting a additional service can cause a change in the total price of the trip, and changing the amounts in payment section (payment).
It is recommended to re-check the total price and rates of payment section, by sending action check with selected additional services.


Field namedescription
numberNumber of selected service
allocationAn array assignment of passengers to the service.
Subsequent array indices should include membership number that is assigned to the service.
Participant number corresponds to its position in the list of participants (array Person).

If the fields in allocation are of type hidden, this means that for a given service is not possible to assign the individual tour participants for selected service.
fromDTDate from which to begin service
toDTDate to which the service will last
typeType of Service on MerlinX booking mask
codeCode of Service on MerlinX booking mask
shift- (always empty)
lenLength of service in days (the difference between fromDT - toDT)
textDescription of service
excludeIndexCode List (from field code), separated by a comma, or services that can not be booked at the same time to the service
amountAmount of payment


    <code>GNC_USLUGA< /code>
    <text>Gwarancja Niezmiennosci Ceny</text>
NOTE: These values ​​may change. Current list is always returned in the information from the organizer - field “Hints”