← Fields' list
- field name:
- group_by
- containing:
- name of the field after which data will be grouped
- field type:
- char
- condition for:
- groups
Possible values (V2)
Possible values (V2.1)
obj_xCode - Object (independent of the operator)
tourOpAndCode - Operator, Object
tourOpCodeDateDuration - Operator, Object, start date, duration (length)
tourOpCodeDate - Operator, Object, start date
xCodeSrv - Object (independent of the operator), meal type
xCodeDate - Object (independent of the operator), Start date
xCodeSrvDate - Object (independent of the operator), meal type, Start date
ofr_tourOp - Operator
trp_durationM - Duration
trp_depName - Departure place
obj_xServiceId - meal ID
obj_category - hotel category
ofr_type - typ oferty
trp_destination - taregt region events
obj_xCountryId - destination country event - threaded connections from version 2.2 of the system
Field variants is returned in response in case of the following grouping:
data/fields/names/group_by.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/17 10:14 (external edit)