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Fields used in conditions and responses


The field names contain prefixes to facilitate categorization of meaning. In response, the prefix is an element that contains the attribute with the value. For example ofr_tourOp the query terms will occur as part of the same name


while the response as an attribute in the element ofr tourOp, for example:

<ofr tourOp="ITAK" .../>

fields with the prefix x in the name are part of the MerlinX content and may not be available( obj_xCode, obj_xAttributes, obj_xLat, …)

Conditions' syntax

To inquire about the condition of some values you ​​must separate them by “,” for example: ask for offer of touroperators Tui, HappyTour, PressTour


To inquire about the condition in a range you must be separate them by “:” for example: request for offers whose duration ranges between 7-15 days


For query trp_destination character “:” means any amount of arbitrary characters for example: a request for all offers (all regions) for a country with id 15 (Spain)


The conditions are not set to any default values. One exception is that order_by default value is 0 (sorting by price in ascending order).

data/fields.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/19 21:49 by danv