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Fields list


field name:
number for sorting
field type:
condition for:

Possible values

ofr_price Price (the grouping when there is a separate field only growing - should always be used as sort of the last condition in the case when we use several sorts at a time)
ofr_maxPrice Max price (only the grouping, and only in the descending direction)
obj_xName Object name
obj_room room code
ofr_tourOpTour-operator code
obj_xServiceId Id meal
obj_zScore Zoover rating
trp_depDate Date of event
trp_durationM length
trp_depCode Name of departure place / departure
obj_category hotel category ( available from version 2.3 )


It is possible to provide several parameters separated by a comma, eg:


Price may be appropriate only to the last field, example of an incorrect order of fields:


From version 2.1, you can also sort the results in the grouping, however sort results by fields with values ​​that are not fixed for grouped entry, may return inconsistent results, (From version 2.2 this sort will be ignored and in response to the message “Sorting ignored - invalid field for a given group”) example of the wrong question:


Example of proper use of the sort the grouping (grouped by object and date, sorted by date, object name and price):


To obtain the reverse order of the results, insert minus, for example (hotels from Z to A):


IMPORTANT You may only receive the results sorted by price in descending order in the grouping, using ofr_maxPrice

data/fields/names/order_by.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/05 11:19 by marekj