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Inquiry: offers


Query type offers returns a list of all offers that meet search conditions. You can download the first maximum of 1000 items.


Filed nameTypeLengthContains
calc_foundintminimum number of offers returned in count (maximum 1000)
excludeFromRulestextrule name
external_search_idtextexternal search id
extraDataxmlAdditional info about offers
geo_xCircleintSearch in max radius='dstance' (in kilometers) from lat,long
geo_xPolygonintSearch in polygon described by at least 3 pairs of lat,long
includeFromRulestextrule name
limit_countintNumber of records per page (default 10, max 100)
limit_fromintfirst record (default 1, max 1000)
maxPriceintmaximum price for an adult
minPriceintminimum price per adult
obj_bookBedsboolIf reservation on individual beds is possible
obj_categoryintCategory of the object multiplied by 10
obj_xCityFtstextString allows searching offers by town name
obj_codeNameFtstextEnabling search of offers based by string name of the hotel
obj_codechar20hotel code
obj_luggagechar1Main baggage is included or not
obj_nametextThe name of the object (the hotel / cruise / circuit / package)
obj_roomchar5Room code/ accommodation
obj_typechar3Object type (hotel/round trip/cruise /...)
obj_xAttributesCountintMinimum number of required attributes that match the offer
obj_xAttributesNotInbitmask64Object's attributes / flag offer
obj_xAttributesbitmask64Object's attributes / flag offer
obj_xCityIdtextThe city in which the object is assigned by MerlinX (original or revised)
obj_xCodeintID assigned to the hotel by MerlinX
obj_xDistBeachintDistance from beach
obj_xDistSkiintDistance from ski lift
obj_xNametextObject's name that is assigned by MerlinX (original or revised)
obj_xRoomDescCountintMinimum number of required Room description that match the offer
obj_xRoomDescchar3Room description processed by MerlinX
obj_xServiceIdintID meal/service assigned by MerlinX
obj_zScoreCntintsearch based of amount of Zoover opinions
obj_zScoreintsearch based of Zoover rating
ofr_candybitmask64Candy (bonus)
ofr_catalogchar4Catalog code
ofr_refundablechar1Offer have some flex rules or not
ofr_residentchar1Resident is available or not
ofr_tourOpchar4touroperator code
ofr_transferTypechar1Transfer included or not
ofr_typechar2Type of offer
ofr_xCatalogcharcatalogs unified by MerlinX
ofr_xStatuscharoffer availability
order_bycharnumber for sorting
par_adtintnumber of adults
par_chdAgetextage of children or children bitrh dates
par_chdintNumber of children
par_infintnumber of infants
selectAnswerFieldstextfields name
totalPriceboolreturns the total price for the asked product
trp_depCodechar3Code of departure location/airport ( IATA Code )
trp_depDatedateDate of departure / departure / start of trip
trp_depNametextplace of departure / start
trp_depNametextplace of departure / start
trp_destinationintRegion of the trip/event
trp_durationMintnumber of days
trp_durationintnumber of days
trp_flightChangeCountintNumber of stops for ongoing flight
trp_rDepCodechar3departure code of the return place
trp_rDesCodechar3destination code of the return trip
trp_retDatedatepossible late date of the return trip
rFlightChangeCountintNumber of stops for return flight
trp_skiDestinationintDestination regions for ski.
wtr_biintsearch by forecast biking activities score (1-10)
wtr_bintsearch by forecast beach activities score (1-10)
wtr_cintsearch by forecast camping activities score (1-10)
wtr_pcintsearch by forecast precipitation chance (%)
wtr_pintsearch by forecast precipitation (mm)
wtr_sdintsearch by sun hours duration
wtr_tnintsearch by forecast tennis score (1-10)
wtr_trintsearch by forecast terrace activities score (1-10)
wtr_tintsearch by forecast temperature ( in degrees Celsius )
wtr_uvintsearch by UV index
wtr_wkintsearch by forecast walking activities score (1-10)
wtr_wtintsearch by forecast water sports activities score (1-10)
useMerlinMarginboolreturns price with agency margin
<?xml version='1.0'?>


Field nameTypeContainscontaining
countintnumber of matching results for the given query
extraDataxmlAdditional info about offers
obj_acomodationcharDEPRECIATED! Code assignment, unites the value of the code room and board, used by the booking system
obj_bookBedsboolIf reservation on individual beds is possible
obj_categoryintCategory of the object multiplied by 10
obj_citytextThe city in which the object is located
obj_codechar20hotel code
obj_desCodechar3Usually the airport code serving the area where hotel is located
obj_luggagechar1Main baggage is included or not
obj_maxAdtintMaximum number of adults [DEPRECATED]
obj_maxPaxintMaximum number of people [DEPRECATED]
obj_minAdtintThe minimum number of adults [DEPRECATED]
obj_minPaxintThe minimum number of people [DEPRECATED]
obj_nametextThe name of the object (the hotel / cruise / circuit / package)
obj_rating !!! not available anymore !!!textHotel rating by Zoover system
obj_regiontextThe name of the region in which the object is located
obj_roomDesctextDescription of room / accommodation
obj_roomchar5Room code/ accommodation
obj_serviceDesctextdescription of the meals / service
obj_servicechar2Service code/board
obj_typechar3Object type (hotel/round trip/cruise /...)
obj_xAttributesbitmask64Object's attributes / flag offer
obj_xCitytextThe city in which the object is assigned by MerlinX (original or revised)
obj_xCodeintID assigned to the hotel by MerlinX
obj_xCountryIdintID assigned to a country by MerlinX
obj_xLatfloatLatitude location of the object
obj_xLongfloatLongitude position of the object
obj_xNametextObject's name that is assigned by MerlinX (original or revised)
obj_xRegionIdintID assigned to a region by MerlinX
obj_xRoomDescchar3Room description processed by MerlinX
obj_xServiceIdintID meal/service assigned by MerlinX
obj_xskiregpathtextInformation about ski regions
ofr_candybitmask64Candy (bonus)
ofr_catalogchar4Catalog code
ofr_idcharup to 1 KBoffer identifier. ** IMPORTANT: ** Do not assume that there will always be a hexadecimal string
ofr_operCurrchar3currency used by the operator
ofr_operPriceintPrice per adult in the currency of the operator
ofr_priceintPrice per adult (in the case ofr_operCurr pathologist from PLN should be taken as approximate this value!)
ofr_refundablechar1Offer have some flex rules or not
ofr_residentchar1Resident is available or not
ofr_statuschar2last known status/availability of offers
ofr_sweetboolCandy - promoted flag ads (provided by the operator)
ofr_TFGincludedboolreturns the price including TFG
ofr_tourOpchar4touroperator code
ofr_transferTypechar1Transfer included or not
ofr_typechar2Type of offer
ofr_xCatalogcharcatalogs unified by MerlinX
room_hashcharHotel room id
trp_desDesctextplace of trip/ directions
trp_arrTimetimetimes of trip / directions
trp_busStopDesctextDescription of the bus stop
trp_carrierCodetextcarrier code and flight number (if both of the information is available)
trp_carrierDesctextName of carrier
trp_depCodechar3Code of departure location/airport ( IATA Code )
trp_depDatedateDate of departure / departure / start of trip
trp_depNametextplace of departure / start
trp_depNametextplace of departure / start
trp_depTimetimetime of departure / start
trp_desCodechar3Code of destination location/airport ( IATA Code )
trp_desDatedatedate of reach the destination
trp_durationMintnumber of days
trp_durationintnumber of days
trp_flightCodechar20service code for flight / transport
trp_flightOptextflight operator name
trp_flightChangeCountintNumber of stops for ongoing flight
trp_rArrTimetimetime of arrival of the return trip
trp_rCarrierCodetextcarrier code and flight number of return (if both information is available)
trp_rDepCodechar3departure code of the return place
trp_rDepDatedateDeparture date of the return trip
trp_rDepTimetimeDeparture time of the return trip
trp_rDesCodechar3destination code of the return trip
trp_rDesDatedateDate of return
trp_rFlightCodechar20service code of the return flight / transport (information can be included also in the field trp_flightCode)
rFlightChangeCountintNumber of stops for return flight
trp_startDatedateTour start date
trp_stayintnumber of nights
trp_type2char2supplement field trp_type
trp_typechar2service type of transport (plane / bus /...)
wtr_valtextweather value
wtrtextWeather information
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<ofr id="cafc9c55c61765013b70f7c3fa763f2e219a9fdeb566ece37793980eba3ab128" catalog="MADA" tourOp="MADA" type="H" sweet="0" status="BA" operPrice="25" operCurr="PLN" price="25">
		<obj name="Tatralandia - tydzień w aquaparku" city="Liptov" category="30" code="193" room="193" service="I" roomDesc="Apartament 2+2" minPax="1" maxPax="4" minAdt="1" maxAdt="4" xCode="-924" region="Kotlina Liptowska" acomodation="" attributes="(nil)" type="H" serviceDesc="śniadania kolacje" serviceId="1" country="Słowacja" bookBeds="0" rating="" desCode="a59" xName="Tatralandia - tydzień w aquaparku" xCity="Liptov" lat="" long=""/>
		<trp desCode="" depCode="" depDate="20101112" duration="7" flightCode="" carrierCode="" rFlightCode="" rCarrierCode="" depTime="0000" arrTime="0000" rDepTime="0000" rArrTime="0000" type="" type2="" dstCode="428_3456" depDesc="" desDesc="" rDepDate="20101119" desDate="20101112" rDesDate="20101119" rDepCode="" rDesCode="" startDate="20101112" tourCode="" busStop="" durationM="7" season="0" busStopDesc="" flightOp="" stay=""/>
	<ofr id="18a71e7373561ad94fa984291669596d219a9fdeb566ece37793980eba3ab128" catalog="MADA" tourOp="MADA" type="H" sweet="0" status="BA" operPrice="25" operCurr="PLN" price="25">
		<obj name="Tatralandia - tydzień w aquaparku" city="Liptov" category="30" code="193" room="218" service="I" roomDesc="Apartament 5 os" minPax="1" maxPax="5" minAdt="1" maxAdt="5" xCode="-924" region="Kotlina Liptowska" acomodation="" attributes="(nil)" type="H" serviceDesc="śniadania kolacje" serviceId="1" country="Słowacja" bookBeds="0" rating="" desCode="a59" xName="Tatralandia - tydzień w aquaparku" xCity="Liptov" lat="" long=""/>
		<trp desCode="" depCode="" depDate="20101112" duration="7" flightCode="" carrierCode="" rFlightCode="" rCarrierCode="" depTime="0000" arrTime="0000" rDepTime="0000" rArrTime="0000" type="" type2="" dstCode="428_3456" depDesc="" desDesc="" rDepDate="20101119" desDate="20101112" rDesDate="20101119" rDepCode="" rDesCode="" startDate="20101112" tourCode="" busStop="" durationM="7" season="0" busStopDesc="" flightOp="" stay=""/>
data/request/offers.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/24 11:08 by marekj