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Availability of each room can be communicated per date ranges: The availability status does not include the remaining rooms per day, it offers a general open/close value for the period.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <AvailStatusMessages EssMode="VICTOR" HotelCode="138954">
        <AvailStatusMessage Override="false">
            <StatusApplicationControl Start="2019-12-04" InvType="Room" InvCode="DBL" End="2020-09-30"/>
            <RestrictionStatus Status="Open" MinAdvancedBookingOffset="P7D"/>
        <AvailStatusMessage Override="false">
            <StatusApplicationControl Start="2019-12-04" InvType="Room" InvCode="SBL" End="2020-09-30"/>
            <RestrictionStatus Status="Open" MinAdvancedBookingOffset="P7D"/>

Stop-Sale for board Unavailability of a specific board for a certain period across all rooms or for a specific room is a common situation. This is expressed in the stock notification using „block“ in the InvType attribute. Below example shows an FB board close in combination with a specific room and the board BB being unavailable for all rooms:

<AvailStatusMessage Override="false">
    <StatusApplicationControl Start="2019-05-01" InvType="Block" InvCode="DBL" SubBlockCode="FB" End="2019-05-08"/>
    <RestrictionStatus Status="Close"/>
<AvailStatusMessage Override="false"> 
    <StatusApplicationControl Start="2019-06-01" InvType="Block" SubBlockCode="BB" End="2011-06-30"/>
    <RestrictionStatus Status="Close"/>

The different stock notifications can be expressed in the following table:

Cases InvCode InvType InvBlockCode SubBlockCode Description
1 138954 Room Allotment status for a room
2 138954-BB Room Allotment status for a room, specifying the base board
3 Block HB Allotment status for a board
4 Block 138954 AI Allotment status for room+board combination

The Override attribute specifies whether the message contains baseline (Override=“false”) or incremental (Override=“true”) information.

MinAdvancedBookingOffset and MaxAdvancedBookingOffset can be used to define a limitation of the booking availability depend from a time before departure E.g. MinAdvancedBookingOffset=“P7D” means that the availability of this offer will end 7 days before departure.

data/ota/hotelavailnotifrq.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/06 15:31 by Maciej Pokrzywa