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Fields list


field name:
limits the filters to the selected field
field type:
condition for:

From version V2.1

  • The possibility of giving a list of fields (separated by commas)
  • Query groups selects options to show

possible values

name id returned value
trp_depDate FD list
trp_depName FE list
ofr_catalog FG list
obj_xCode FH list
obj_xCity FN list
obj_room FR list
obj_xServiceId FS list
ofr_tourOp FT list
trp_durationM FU list
obj_category FY list
obj_xAttributes FI hexadecimal mask of possible values
obj_xRoomDesc FB hexadecimal mask of possible values
ofr_type list
obj_type list
trp_destination list

In version 2.1 is required to provide a list of filters that we get in response.

data/fields/names/filters.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/17 10:14 (external edit)